Three Tips To Use Ductless AC Systems In Multiple Story Homes

Posted on: 23 June 2015


If you have a home that has more than one level or a basement, ductless AC systems may need to be setup differently than a single-story home. There are several options, such as installing a mini-split system or installing more than one system. If you want to have a ductless cooling system for your home, here are some things you may want to know about multiple-story installations:

1. Choosing The Right Size Systems For Spaces

The AC system that you have installed in your home is measured by cubic tons of air. With a ducted system, this is calculated for your entire home. If you are planning on having ductless systems installed, the tons will need to be estimated for different areas. You will need to have ductless systems that are rated to cool the space where they are installed. This means that you may have different cooling needs for the different areas of your home with a ductless system. Cooling units where more space needs cooling will need to be larger than those for smaller spaces.

2. Using Mini-Split Systems For Cooling Separate Floors

Mini-split systems are ductless heating systems that have more than one cooling unit to cool the home and one heat pump. If you have a smaller home, these can be used to cool different levels of your home. For example, one air handler can be installed downstairs, while another installed upstairs to cool your home efficiently. This is a great way to create a zoned cooling design for your home with ductless AC systems.

3. Installing Separate Systems To Cool Larger Spaces

Mini-split systems are not ideal for every home. Some homes may have more cooling needs and require more than one system. This can be a system for the basement and one for the upstairs. You may want to use a mini-split system for the main living area of your home and use a single unit to cool areas like basements. Having multiple systems installed in larger homes is often more practical than installing a single mini-split system. This type of cooling design can still be less expensive than a ducted system.

These are some things that you may want to know about the installation of ductless AC systems in homes with more than one level. If you need help with deciding on the right system for your home, contact a professional HVAC contractor and talk with them about some of these options. A contractor from a business like McKinney Heating & Air Conditioning will also be able to tell you if your current system isn't working as efficiently as another one could.