• 3 Furnace Blower Failures That Can Leave You Out in the Cold

    Your furnace's blower isn't a particularly mysterious device, and it does what you'd expect: it blows warm air away from the heat exchanger and distributes it throughout your home. Without a functional blower, heated air couldn't move through your ducts, and you'd spend your winter nights shivering under a blanket. You don't usually have to do much to keep your blower operational, but it's a good idea to recognize where problems might crop up.
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  • Three Ways To Troubleshoot A Furnace

    As the cold months approach, it is vital that your furnace is in proper working order. When the furnace fails, the indoor temperature of the home can fall drastically. Regular maintenance on the unit will keep it running smoothly, alert you to new issues, and extend the lifetime expectancy of the appliance. However, over time there are issues that will arise due to simple wear and tear or human error. Follow this guide to learn how to troubleshoot these problems.
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  • Getting A Head Start On AC Maintenance Before Summer Weather

    As soon as the weather breaks in spring, you will be cranking the AC up. This also means that some maintenance needs to be done. You should start thinking about maintenance before summer arrives. The following AC maintenance should be done to prepare yourself for summer: Cleaning the AC Condensing Unit to Start  The condensing unit is the first area where you will want to start with maintenance. You are going to need to clean the unit.
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  • How To Troubleshoot And Repair The 3 Most Important Parts Of Your HVAC System

    The state of your HVAC system determines the level of comfort you will experience when living in your home. When the HVAC system functions properly, the temperature will be ideal, and the air is clean and fresh. On the other hand, when a part of the system fails, you will have to deal with endless problems such as cold spots in the house, stuffiness in the home, and hiked energy bills.
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  • How Do I Know If My Ductwork Is Damaged?

    If the air conditioning unit is the heart of your home's cooling center, then the ductwork is the veins delivering much needed oxygen to every part of your house. Over time however, it can become damaged and inefficient, leaving you with a mess on your hands. Unfortunately, unlike your AC unit, uncovering broken ductwork is not nearly as easy; because of that, HVAC companies are less likely to receive a call to schedule air conditioning repair for work on the air ducts.
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  • 2 Simple Maintenance Tasks to Improve Your Central Air Conditioner's Energy Efficiency

    Lately, you may have noticed that your energy bills are a little higher, which may lead you to believe that your central AC unit is not running as efficiently as you believe it should. If this is the case, it is possible that the air is unable to flow freely through the unit, which can put a strain on the system. Fortunately, there are a couple of simple maintenance tasks that you can perform to remedy the situation and improve the air conditioner's energy efficiency.
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  • Yearly Checklist For Your Heating System

    The last thing you'll ever want to experience in your home — especially during the winter — is a heating system failure. Not only will you be stranded in the cold for an unpredictable amount of time, but you'll also have to wait in line behind other people who are most likely experiencing the same problems.  Fortunately, a proper heating system maintenance plan can alleviate these issues by identifying and fixing problems in the offseason, rather than in the exact moment you need it the most.
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  • Energy-Efficient Heating Systems For Your Client

    EPA regulations and independent energy groups both campaign for workers and consumers to acquire energy-efficient materials and production services. Indeed, these low-energy alternatives can benefit anyone from residential home-owners to large factories as the decrease in energy consumption generally lowers costs even accounting for possibly increased upfront costs. There are a variety of options you can present to your client, as a contractor, for energy-efficient heating. Heat Pumps for High Efficiency
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  • Guidelines For The Best AC System Repairs

    The market is rich with opportunity in the air conditioning industry since it's trending toward the $100 billion mark over the next few years. What this means is that you can easily pick up the phone or fire off an e-mail to find the right air conditioner repair work for your home. Since summer heat can contribute to heatstroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, and just general discomfort, you'll need to keep your air conditioner on point at all times of the year.
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  • What to Do Before Turning on an Unused Air Conditioner

    An air conditioner that hasn't been used for a long period of time will need more maintenance and inspections than normal before it's ready for regular use. Inspecting your air conditioning system before using it can prevent damage and health hazards, and will ensure you can start using your air conditioner again without any trouble. Have the Outdoor Unit and Ducts Checked Your air conditioner's outdoor unit is designed to withstand the elements, so it's rare that the unit will have suffered any major damage while it wasn't being used.
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