Keeping Cool With Low Costs - Maintaining Your Commercial Refrigerator

Posted on: 1 December 2015


In your business, a commercial refrigerator may be at the very heart of your operation. A refrigerator breakdown doesn't only cost you time and repair costs, but can also ruin costly inventory and leaving you struggling to recover from the loss.

It's important, therefore, to take proactive steps to avoid such a dilemma. Below, you'll find a guide to some steps you can take to maintain your commercial refrigerator, guaranteeing that it remains functioning at its highest levels and continues to serve you in the extremely important capacity that no other equipment could ever fill in for.

Condenser Coil Cleaning

Your refrigerator's condenser is the heart of the cooling apparatus, and if it fails, you may be looking at a very costly repair to get up to speed. Like any other mechanical component, excessive heat and stress can contribute significantly to failures, and one of the best ways to cut down on those concerns is to keep the condenser clean.

Regular cleaning with a simple brush and perhaps a foam cleaning product can help guarantee that your condenser coil remains free of dust, dirt, and contamination. This will allow your condenser to operate far more efficiently, cutting down on the risk of breakdown.

Door Seal Inspection

If the seals on your refrigerator door aren't in their best working condition, you may suffer from a slow leak of cold air that will force your refrigeration unit to push itself to catch up and could lead to serious problems and, potentially, spoiled products.

It's important to regularly schedule a check of the magnetic seals around the outside of your refrigerator door. Noting any cracks or peeled back seals can allow you to quickly repair or replace them, and that will help guarantee that your refrigerator holds its cold air and isn't forced into uncomfortable or stressful working conditions.

Regular Cleaning

Ultimately, your refrigerator will only keep your inventory in as good a shape as you keep it. Cold, dark recesses in your refrigerator can be a breeding ground for mold and other organisms that can cause serious issues, and wetness can be the forerunner of rust that could threaten your refrigerator's stability. Regular, thorough cleanings will allow you to maintain a sterile environment, and should also eliminate any potential environmental contaminants before they realize their potential to cause a serious issue.

If you find any problems with your refrigerator, consider contacting local commercial refrigeration services to discuss your concerns.