What High Utility Bills Could Be Telling You About Your Heating System

Posted on: 23 May 2016


Are your heating bills expensive and despite trying to lower them, you only experience minimal savings? If so, you may be in need of heating system repairs. There are other things that are not a part of your heating system that could be causing this phenomenon, too. For example, inadequate insulation can contribute to heat loss. The following are heating system issues that could be contributing to your high heating costs. 

Thermostat Issues

If you do not have a programmable thermostat installed, you should consider upgrading. This will aid in ensuring that the heat does not continue to run, which is a common reason for expensive heating costs. Perhaps you have a programmable thermostat and use the feature, but your heat continuously runs until you manually turn it off. This could be a sign that your thermostat needs to be repaired or replaced, or it could be a sign that another component of your heating system is in need of repair. For example, a damaged blower on your furnace could be causing it to run excessively.

Age of Furnace

If you have an older furnace, it might be producing sufficient heat. Yet, it might not be producing heat in the most efficient manner. Your furnace may be giving you additional signs that it is outdated, but you may be overlooking those signs. For example, furnaces that are up-to-date and well-maintained should run quietly, but aging furnaces may run loudly. Rattling, popping, squealing or banging noises may emit from outdated furnaces.  If you regularly have to readjust the temperature on your thermostat due to rooms heating unevenly, it may be a sign that your heating system is aged, which is causing it to improperly distribute warm air. 

Lack of Maintenance

Some people do not get their systems professionally maintained until they break down. Unfortunately, this can result in repairs that could have been avoided, as well as high energy costs. Do-it-yourself tasks such as changing filters are not enough to prevent mechanical failure, and your furnace might still have to work harder even if it has a clean filter. Professional servicing such as tune-ups aid in ensuring that furnace components are working properly. At the time of annual servicing, your full heating system will likely be inspected, which can aid in uncovering any issues that may impact performance. 

An HVAC contractor is the best resource to use to determine whether or not heating system repairs could help you to save on energy costs. They can also determine if a future upgrade is necessary. Contact a company like One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning for more information.