2 Reasons To Book A Pre-Winter Service Appointment For Your Heating System

Posted on: 19 October 2018


Winter is just around the corner and the time has come to start preparing for the cold weather. As well as pulling out your winter woolens, it's also time to make sure that your heating system is ready for the heavy use that winter entails. Booking in a  residential heating service appointment for your heating system should be high on your list of priorities.

A pre-winter service appointment is the best way to ensure that you're left with no heat right in the middle of the season when you need it most. Even if you think that your heating system is in good repair, your heating system may be struggling. Here are two reasons why it's wise to get your heating system serviced before winter sets in.

1. Timely repairs

Once winter arrives, heating system contractors experience their busiest time of year. Most contractors are run off their feet repairing and replacing heating systems for desperate homeowners who want their homes to be warm again.

For this reason, if your heating system shows signs of disrepair or shuts down entirely, you may not get a contractor to your home for days. Even after they get to you, you may be waiting days or even weeks in a chilly home for the spare parts needed to fix your heating. By attending to your heating system well before winter sets in, you can avoid the uncomfortable wait for heating repair.

2. Preventative repairs

As the saying goes, prevention is the best cure, and this is certainly applicable to your heating system. Having it serviced can identify small problems, maintenance issues, and worn parts before they become major and far more costly problems. Issues with electrical and heating systems tend to have a domino effect which is entirely preventable by regular servicing.

Waiting until an obvious problem develops with your heating system to call in the professionals may save you a small amount in the short term. However, this will be a false economy when you're faced with a hefty repair bill or a complete replacement of the system.

Many people wait until they're getting unusually high utility bills, the heating system begins to make strange noises, or the system isn't effectively heating the home anymore. These are advanced warning signs that your system is in serious trouble. It's better from both a financial and practical perspective to avoid getting to the point when obvious damage is present.