Four Furnace Components That Frequently Malfunction

Posted on: 30 March 2019


When a home is experiencing problems with its furnace, the interior temperature can rapidly fall. Unfortunately, homeowners are frequently unaware of the full range of problems that the various components of their furnace can suffer.


In forced air furnaces, the blower will be responsible for pushing the heated air through the ducting system. The blower can be one of the more mechanical complex pieces of a furnace, and it can also sustain some of the most wear. This makes the blower particularly vulnerable to suffering a mechanical failure that could prevent it from working. If you notice that the air from the furnace is moving more slowly or the system is making loud noises, this could indicate that a blower failure is imminent.


Without a functioning thermostat, the furnace could be unable to effectively control the temperature of the home. These problems can result from both the thermostat's sensors giving inaccurate temperature readings. Dust can be one of the most common contributing factors for thermostat failure as the dust can cover the sensors, which may lead to these problems. Regularly cleaning the thermostat may be able to reduce these issues, but you will need to remove the faceplate so that dust from the interior can also be removed.

Clogged Burners

Many furnace systems will use oil or gas to produce heat. Unfortunately, the burner that ignites these fuels can become clogged with residue and dirt. If these substances are not removed, the system will gradually lose efficiency until it fails due to a lack of fuel. Luckily, cleaning the burner will not be a hard task as these residues can be wiped away. However, these components will need to be cleaned fairly frequently to avoid these issues.

Circuit Breaker Problems

Electric furnaces will require large amounts of power to function. While a functioning circuit breaker should be able to accommodate these energy needs, it can be possible for the breaker to malfunction. This can lead to it regularly tripping despite the furnace using its normal amount of power. It is important to treat this problem very seriously as a faulty circuit breaker could put the entire home at risk of damage from an electrical fire. Also, this can eventually damage the furnace as it will be unable to regulate the amount of electricity that is being sent to the furnace. While replacing or repairing the circuit breaker can be a disruptive project, it will be unavoidable when these issues arise.

Reach out to a local company for more information about furnace repair.