Is A Ductless AC System Right For Your Home?

Posted on: 2 May 2019


Summer temperatures can be unbearable without the availability of an air conditioning system in many regions. As summer approaches, you might be thinking about installing an AC system in your home to maximize your comfort.

There are many different types of AC systems to choose from, but a ductless system could offer you the flexibility and affordability that you are looking for. Carefully consider the benefits a ductless system can offer when you are weighing your options in terms of AC installation this year.

Affordable Installation

One of the reasons that homeowners like ductless AC systems is that these systems are affordable to install. There is no need to make changes to the structure of your home to accommodate a ductless system.

This is beneficial for people living in older homes without existing air ducts. Adding air ducts can be costly, and it can compromise the historical charm of your home. Ductless systems can be installed quickly and easily, making them a good option for homeowners looking to reduce costs.

Zoned Cooling

Another reason you might want to consider a ductless AC system for your home is the control these systems offer when it comes to cooling your home. A ductless system lets you take advantage of zoned cooling.

You can cool the areas of your home that are utilized the most and opt to forego cooling areas that see very little use. This zoned approach to cooling can help you reduce your energy use and save on your utility costs in the future.

Inverter Technology

Ductless AC systems can be a two-in-one product. This is because they rely on inverter technology to create cooled air. The same technology can be used to create warm air when temperatures drop.

You will be able to utilize the ductless system as a source of both cool and hot air. This can reduce the need to run your furnace throughout the winter months. A furnace can use up a lot of energy, so reducing your reliance on the appliance will help you cut your heating costs over time.

Making the choice to install an AC system in your home will give you the ability to maintain a cool and comfortable living space this summer. Consider the benefits that a ductless system can offer before you commit to an AC system installation. A ductless system will give you the most flexibility and control over your heating and cooling. For more information, contact an HVAC contractor who offers air conditioning installation services.