Things To Do So You're Ready For Your New Air Conditioner Installation

Posted on: 13 November 2019


When your old air conditioner is worn out, you don't want to go through another summer of sweltering when your AC breaks down. A new air conditioner makes a big difference in your comfort when it's hot outside. Getting a new air conditioner is a big undertaking, but the AC company helps size your unit, gets permits, and installs the components. Here's a look at some of the things you can do to prepare for air conditioning installation.

Clean And Repair The Old Ducts

Sometimes, it's necessary to replace the ducts when you get a new AC due to sizing issues. However, if you can keep your old ducts, this is a good time to have them inspected, sealed, and cleaned so they're good as new when your air conditioner is installed. Then, you'll know your whole system is in good shape and operating as it should with no air loss through leaky ducts.

Check And Improve Insulation

A new air conditioner is a big investment, and you'll get a better value for your money if you help the AC work efficiently. One way to do that is to improve the insulation in your home if it needs it. You might want to add batt insulation in the attic and add caulk or weatherstripping around windows. Seal any air leaks around pipe vents, doors, and windows so the chilled air stays inside and the hot summer air stays outdoors.

Decide On Equipment Location

If you're happy with the location of your old air conditioner, then choosing where to put the new equipment is easy. However, if you're doing some renovating or you just prefer having the air handler or condenser in another location, have the new area chosen and ready to go before the installers arrive. This might entail pouring a concrete pad outdoors for the new location of the condenser.

Get Ready For Installation Day

The AC installer removes all the old equipment and hauls it off as part of the process. To make the job easier for the installation service, clear the area around the AC condenser so there are no weeds, limbs, or lawn equipment in the way. You'll also need to clear the area indoors so the workers don't have to worry about bumping into valuables as they carry out old equipment and bring in the new. Plan to be home on the day of installation since the workers need to work inside and out to get your new AC set up and tested to make sure it's set to go once summer begins.