Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn't Be Making

Posted on: 5 May 2021


When it comes to owning your home, you should be familiar with how all of your appliances function. You need to know what you should be looking for when something malfunctions and what steps you can take to troubleshoot. First things first, you should familiarize yourself with the sounds that your furnace will make when something is wrong with it. There are many suspicious noises that your heating system will make, and here are just a few of them.


When the blower motor of your furnace is not working properly, it will start to make some weird screeching noises. When your blower motor stops working, your heating system will be unable to sufficiently circulate warm air throughout your home. In some cases, lubrication can be a solution. However, the fan may have gone out completely. To assess the situation, a heating professional needs to be contacted.


If you are hearing a clanking noise that is similar to that of metal hitting metal, then it is very likely that this is exactly what you are hearing. This type of noise can be indicative of a component like a blower wheel becoming loose. If this has happened, then you will need to turn the furnace off and contact an HVAC contractor immediately. If you fail to do this and allow your furnace to continue being used, it may undergo too much stress and end up breaking down completely.


Generally, a loud booming noise that comes from the furnace is indicative of a dirty burner. It is important to never ignore this particular sound because it can be very dangerous. The sound occurs when dirt builds up on the burners and heat exchangers. When the burners end up igniting, they need to break through multiple layers of grime, which can be dangerous for the furnace and those in the home.


You may not believe that rattling is a noise for you to be significantly concerned about, but it can be harmful overall to your furnace. Rattling is a sign that your heat exchanger has cracked or that there is a leak within the ductwork somewhere. Rattling can also be indicative of any number of other possible issues with your heating system. Because of this, you should contact a professional at the first sign of an unusual rattling sound.

When you hear strange sounds coming from your furnace, it is time to contact a heating repair contractor for an inspection.