Heating Services: Common Causes Of Heater Damage In Homes

Posted on: 1 October 2021


You will likely not think much about your heating system as long as it provides much-needed warmth in your home. However, the condition of your furnace should be your top priority due to the critical role the system plays. You also want to provide your family with the required warmth and comfort during the cold months.  

Therefore, as a responsible homeowner, you should strive to learn about the heating system and some of the common issues you are likely to experience. Furthermore, understanding the causes of furnace malfunction will enable you to detect issues on time and get them fixed before they escalate. Read on to learn the possible causes of damage to your furnace. 

The Furnace Is Too Old

With proper maintenance, the furnace can serve you effectively for 15-25 years. However, the system becomes inefficient beyond this age. As a result, your energy bills may start to escalate and the system's repair costs as well. In this case, it is best to replace your furnace with a new one. 

The Pilot Light Went Out

If your furnace uses gas, it has a pilot light that keeps your house warm and comfortable. Usually, when the pilot light goes off, it means there isn't sufficient gas to ignite the burner's flames. 

Several reasons like a malfunctioning thermocouple, poor airflow, and cracked heat exchange could also cause such issues. You will need the assistance of a trained heating professional to fix the pilot light.

The Thermostat Has Issues

The work of the thermostat in a furnace is to send the required temperature signals. It works by letting the system know when to cycle on or off so that your furnace can maintain optimal temperatures. 

If your thermostat is faulty, it will not send the right commands, causing the inefficiency of the furnace. So if you realize that your heating system is not attaining the set temperatures, it is paramount to get the thermostat checked by a heating expert.   

The Filter Is Dirty

When you first place your filter on your system, it might look pristine. But the work of the filter is to catch the dirt and dust circling in the air. Because of that, the filter will get dirty in no time, which is why you should change the filter regularly.

Otherwise, a neglected filter will eventually clog, causing the system to overheat. In addition, it can cause damage to the internal components of the filter if left unchecked. Thus, you should change your filter regularly.   

Knowing the above-discussed causes of furnace malfunction will enable you to take the necessary preventative measures. But if your unit is already damaged, hire a heating service to diagnose and repair the issue.