Heating System Efficiency? What Concerned Homeowners Can Do To Help Offset Rising Heating Costs

Posted on: 1 November 2021


Projections of sharply rising heating fuel and electricity costs are causing concerns in many households as the heating season nears. With monthly budgets already feeling the pinch of rising inflation at the grocery store and gas pump, it is becoming increasingly important to look for ways to heat homes as efficiently as possible. Homeowners who are concerned about the effects of rising heating bills may find the following information helpful in offsetting some of the projected increases in heating costs this winter. 

Practice proactive maintenance 

Whether powered by electricity, gas, or oil, heating systems run most efficiently when they receive proactive maintenance. Homeowners will want to ensure that they are investing in high-quality filters for their heating system and changing them often. Frequent filter changes ensure that the heating system is clean and free of the dust and clogs that force it to work harder and use more energy to create heat. 

In addition to frequent filter changes, homeowners should also consider investing in professional maintenance for their heating system. To ensure that furnaces are operating efficiently, homeowners should consider scheduling a preseason maintenance visit. Similar to an automotive tune-up process, the heating system technician can examine the furnace for worn parts and faulty connections capable of causing inefficient operation, as well as make any necessary adjustments that may be needed. 

Consider adding supplemental or zoned heating options

Another option homeowners may want to consider to reduce heating costs is to add some type of supplemental heat to their homes. For example, homeowners may find that adding a mini-split system or converting to zoned heat can help them enjoy comfortable warmth with more efficiency. These options can help homeowners focus on heating the areas of the home that are used by the family without wasting heat on areas of the home that are not used on a daily basis. 

Determine if upgrading to a new system is appropriate

In situations where the existing heating system is nearing the end of its expected lifespan or has known efficiency issues, homeowners may need to consider the installation of a new, more efficient heating system. To help make this determination, homeowners will want to look at the past winter's heating fuel or electricity usage figures and compare them with the costs being projected for the coming season. 

Homeowners can get more specific answers to their home heating efficiency questions by contacting a reputable heating system service in their area before winter weather arrives.