When It's Time To Consider Home Heating Replacement

Posted on: 4 January 2022


A furnace plays a critical role in your home. It heats your house during winter. Like any other appliance in your home, a furnace that breaks down would have to be replaced. However, the big question is how to tell if your furnace is failing.

Here are three main signs you might need to replace your home heating system.

Your Heating System is More Than 15 Years Old

If a furnace is well-maintained, it can last for 15 years. If you are diligent with repairs, its lifespan can be even better.

However, the main factors that can reduce your furnace's lifespan include:

  • Poor furnace installation
  • Lack of routine maintenance
  • Incorrect thermostat settings

If your furnace is routinely maintained, you don't have to worry about replacing it if it is less than 15 years old. However, if your furnace is older and you've noticed significant problems, you can call a heating system expert to inspect your unit. If they determine that the problem can't be fixed, replacing your home heating system is inevitable.

Your Furnace Makes Strange Noises

If your furnace makes loud, annoying noises, it might be time to replace it. Below are four noises to watch out for and what they mean:

  • Clicking noises. Your furnace may have an issue with the ignition system. Typically, the lighter struggles to light for various reasons, including dirty burners, broken flame sensors, and a faulty thermocouple (hence the noise).
  • Banging noises. The noises often indicate contracting air ducts or a delayed gas ignition problem.
  • Whistling sounds. If you notice a high-pitched squeal or whistling noise, the blower might have an issue, usually a low airflow problem. This issue might result from damaged ducts, a dirty air filter, or obstructed air vents.
  • A humming sound. You may hear a dull hum when your heating system is running is normal. However, your furnace might have an underlying electrical problem if the humming gets louder. Common electrical issues include a damaged or aging motor or a faulty transformer.

Strange furnace noises are often a sign of an underlying problem that should be addressed as soon as possible. While some minor issues can be easily fixed, others call for a complete heating system replacement.

Frequent Furnace Repairs

Many basic problems that plague most home heating systems are repairable. But sometimes, there can be too many repairs, further burning a hole in your pocket. Common recurrent furnace issues may include:

  • A furnace that doesn't heat enough
  • Pilot light control problems
  • Frequent blower issues

If these problems keep reappearing despite being fixed by a furnace repair expert, you may have to replace your heating system to avoid unnecessary repair costs.

Contact a heating installation company for more information.