HVAC System Getting Older? 2 Problems To Keep An Eye On

Posted on: 31 January 2022


If your HVAC system is getting older it may start having problems soon. Because of this, there are problems you need to keep an eye on. Getting the system repaired quickly can help it last longer so you will not have to spend money on a new HVAC system. Keep reading to learn information about two problems it may have.

Not Heating

If your HVAC system is not providing your home with heat the first thing to check is the thermostat. Make sure it is set to heat and that the temperature is set correctly. If you find problems, the thermostat can be replaced to take care of this problem. This can be beneficial if you have an older thermostat. Newer thermostats have many more functions. For example, you can preset them to have your unit turn on at a certain time each day and turn off at a certain time. This can help save you money. 

The blower capacitor may not be working. This capacitor looks much like a large battery inside your HVAC unit. This is an important part of your system as this is what starts it up when the temperature on the thermometer goes down. If the capacitor is not working the blower will not start. Fortunately, the blower capacitor can be replaced by an HVAC contractor. 

If you have a heat pump the refrigerant level may be too low. You must take care of this problem quickly as low refrigerant levels can cause the compressor to overheat. This can be an expensive part to replace.

Making Noises

If you hear strange noises when your HVAC unit is running the first thing to check is outside. If it is cold, ice may have built up on the exterior unit and when removed the noise will go away. There may be debris in the fan which can cause noise. If you hear a screeching or a squealing sound this is likely due to a bad fan belt inside the blower. If this is the case the belt can be replaced. The motor may also need to be lubricated which you may be able to do on your own or may need a professional to do for you. This depends on the model of the HVAC system you have. 

If you are hearing a rattling sound inside your home, there is likely a problem with the motor or blower assembly. If so, these may be broken or have become loose. You need to turn your system off and contact a contractor to come to your home or this will cause further damage. 

An HVAC contractor can tell you of other problems your system may have in the future.

For more information, contact an HVAC repair service in your area.