5 Unusual Problems That Will Need AC Repair Services

Posted on: 10 April 2023


How ready is your AC for optimal performance and efficiency? You will likely have it reviewed so it does not come as a surprise. However, these innovative appliances will sometimes throw some curveballs. You will need a helping hand from a competent air conditioning contractor when this happens. Here are some unusual AC repair problems that you might encounter:

Strange Noises 

Have you ever heard a strange noise coming from your unit? It could be anything from a rattling sound to a banging or hissing noise. While some noises are normal, others could indicate a problem with your unit.

For example, a rattling sound could mean that a part has come loose, while a hissing noise could mean there's a leak in the refrigerant line. Call a licensed technician to take a look if you hear any unusual noises from your AC unit.

Poor Air Flow

If you're noticing that some rooms in your home are not getting enough cool air, it could be a sign of a clogged air filter, dirty coils, or a problem with the ductwork. It could also point to a failing fan or blocked vent. You'll need a technician to pinpoint the problem.

High Energy Bills

Have you noticed an unusual spike in your energy bills lately? It could be a sign of a problem with your AC unit. If your unit is working harder than it should be, it could be due to a range of issues, such as dirty coils, clogged air filters, or an inefficient unit. If you see higher energy bills, it's best to have a technician inspect your unit to see if it's time for an upgrade.

Uneven Temperatures

Do you ever feel like some rooms in your home are always too hot or cold, while others are just right? It could be a sign of an issue with your ductwork, or it could mean that your unit is too small for your home. In any case, ask an AC repair service to inspect your ductwork for leaks.

Bad Smells

Bad smells coming from your AC unit could indicate a mold or bacteria problem in your ductwork. Not only is this problem unsanitary, but it could also harm the health of the people in the house. You need prompt cleaning of this toxic material to avoid illnesses.

A functional AC is indispensable for a comfortable home, but these innovative machines are not immune to problems. However, with professional help, it's possible to keep your unit running at optimal performance and efficiency at all times.

Find out what your AC system needs by contacting a company like STA SO COOL HVAC.