Why Should You Hire An Air Conditioning Company Before You Buy A New Home?

Posted on: 12 September 2023


Are you getting ready to buy a new home? There are countless factors to consider, from location and size to price and layout. The state of the home's air conditioning system is one that often gets overlooked until it's too late. Take a look at how an experienced air conditioning contractor can help you make an informed decision and more.

A Pre-Purchase HVAC System Inspection

The home inspection is one of the first steps of the buying process. But this doesn't mean the home inspector has the knowledge or experience to adequately assess the AC system. A cooling inspection requires a specialized contractor who knows how to evaluate different types of systems (such as central air or mini-split ductless models) and can find potential problems.

These issues can range from outdated or inefficient equipment to ductwork problems and ventilation issues. Early identification of these problems can help you negotiate a fair price or request repairs or replacements as part of the deal.

A Pre-Purchase Cost Assessment

Do you know how much it costs to repair or replace the air conditioning system in your new home? A qualified contractor's assessment of the system's condition can help you to get a better understanding of potential costs you might need to pay for repairs or replacements shortly after buying the house. This knowledge can help you budget accordingly and make an informed decision about whether the house is the right investment for you. It can also help you negotiate a deal or give you a fair dollar amount to ask the seller to pay for the repairs/replacement.

A Pre-Purchase Energy Efficiency Evaluation

It's possible to save between 20 and 40 percent of your home cooling costs by replacing a 10-year-old system, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. With cost savings in mind, you will want to know how efficient the home's current AC unit is and whether you might need to replace it to reduce overall energy use.

A Pre-Purchase Long-Term Maintenance Lesson

How can you maintain an AC system in your new home? Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of a system, increase cooling capacity, and decrease energy usage (and the resulting electricity bills). A reputable air conditioning contractor can also educate you about the necessary maintenance for the HVAC system. This can help you plan for ongoing expenses and ensure that the system continues to operate efficiently for years to come. 

For more info about air conditioning, contact a local company.