Heating 101: How to Tell When the Pilot Light on Your Furnace Needs Repairs

Posted on: 9 October 2023


When you turn on your furnace during the colder months, you expect it to fire up and heat your home. However, if you notice a problem with the pilot light, your furnace may not work properly, leaving your home cold and uncomfortable. This article will help you understand how to tell when the pilot light on your furnace needs repairs and what you can do about it.

Check the Flame Color

The first step in determining whether your furnace's pilot light needs repairs is to check the flame color. A healthy pilot light should have a blue flame. An orange or yellow flame may indicate dirty burners, clogged air intake, or other issues. Schedule a repair service to fix the issue before it gets worse.

Monitor for Random Shut Offs

Another sign that your furnace pilot light needs repairs is random shut-offs. If you notice that your furnace is turning off unexpectedly, this could mean that the pilot light is faulty or that there's an issue with the thermocouple. The thermocouple is an instrument that tracks the pilot light's temperature, and if it detects a drop in temperature, it will shut off the furnace to prevent any gas leaks.

Unpleasant Smells

If you notice strange smells coming from your furnace, this is a sign that it needs repairs. The smells could be burning dust and debris, which isn't a severe issue, but sometimes it could indicate gas leaks. If you smell gas, immediately switch off the furnace and call an HVAC repair professional.

Unusual Sounds

Strange sounds coming from your furnace could indicate a problem with the pilot light. If you hear a buzzing sound, it could mean that the pilot light's ignition is working, but the gas isn't turning on. Another indication of a flawed pilot light is a grinding noise. This sound could mean that the burner is dirty or that the furnace is producing too much carbon monoxide. Turn off your furnace and call an expert to assess the issue.

Failure to Light

If you’ve tried restarting your furnace several times without success, this could be a sign that your pilot light needs repairs. A faulty pilot light will not ignite, leaving your furnace without heat. To ensure your pilot light is back to its working condition, schedule a repair service with a professional HVAC company.

The pilot light on your furnace is responsible for ensuring your home is heated comfortably during cold weather. By checking the flame color, monitoring for random shut-offs, smelling for unpleasant odors, listening for unusual sounds, and noting failed ignition, you can quickly identify when your furnace's pilot light needs repairs. Ensure you contact a skilled HVAC company for repairs to help get your furnace back to working at optimal capacity.

For more information, contact a furnace repair service in your area.