
  • Signs Your Warehouse Needs Heating

    You need ventilation to make your warehouse the most efficient it can be. Even if you live in a warm climate, having a heating source for your warehouse can make the work area more productive. Here are signs you need to add heating to your warehouse. Your HVAC specialist will help you in installing a heating system and providing heating maintenance for your system as well. Your warehouse has plumbing
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  • How To Warranty And Repair Your Newly-Purchased Home's Appliances

    When you buy a newly-built home with a home builder, the home will include all new appliances and systems that are covered in the builder's warranty. But when you buy an existing home, it includes its components and systems that may be of varying ages, and you may not know how long your dishwasher, for example, is going to continue working for. Here is some insight to help you cover the appliances and components of your existing home's purchase, so you don't have to stress about unexpected repairs and expenses.
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  • How To Troubleshoot A Window Air Conditioner Fan

    Every window air conditioner has a fan to pass air over the coils, which cools the air entering a room, but they get damaged. If your unit makes unusual noises, shuts off suddenly, or produces hot air but runs, you could have a fan problem. You may be able to troubleshoot and fix the fan problems yourself by following these steps. Troubleshoot Fan Not Starting Sometimes, the obvious solutions are overlooked when the unit won't start at all  Cords can get accidentally disconnected, so make certain is pressed firmly into the wall.
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  • Heating Repair? Why Scheduling Repairs In The Summer Makes Sense

    With summer finally here, your heating system may be the last thing you want to think about, but there are actually some very good reasons why summer is the perfect time to deal with any furnace maintenance or repair issues that will need to be addressed before next winter arrives.  Cleaning your HVAC system is always advisable after periods of heavy usage With this past winter lasting longer than usual, and including record levels of snowfall in many areas of the country, heating systems had to work non-stop in order to keep homes and families safe and warm.
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  • 4 Benefits Of Installing A Fireplace

    One thing you may want to do is have a fireplace in your home. Doing this will offer some benefits for your living space and may allow you to feel quite cozy in the process. Of course, the first order of business has this item adequately installed. By knowing some of the advantages of doing so, you may be motivated to get started today. Benefit #1: Warm source of heat
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  • Central AC Vs. Window Units

    If your home needs AC, it can be hard to choose between installing central AC or ductless window units. Both have their usages, and either can be the ideal solution for some properties. Of course, they have a lot of major differences that you need to consider. This article compares central AC systems with window AC units. Does Your Home Already Have Ducts? First of all, central AC systems are really practical on properties that already have a duct system within the walls.
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  • The Pros And Cons Of Covering The Outside AC Unit During The Winter

    Some people say it's necessary to cover the outside unit of your AC (heating, ventilation and air conditioner) system while others advise against doing it. Both arguments have valid points, and you shouldn't dismiss either of them without further digging: The Cause for Covering the Unit Accumulation of Small Debris on the Fins If you don't cover the condenser unit, then flying debris such as leaves, dust, and paper may get caught up in the condenser coil.
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  • Exploring Options For Adding HVAC To An Old Home

    Are you planning to retrofit an old house with a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC)? Adding an HVAC system to an existing house is an expensive thing and you should do it right the first time. You should start by evaluating the viable options, such as these three: Install the Duct Work The duct work is the channel structure through which air circulates throughout the house. There are return air ducts that channel stale air back for conditioning as well as supply air ducts that supply the various rooms with conditioned or heated air.
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  • 3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your AC

    Nearly every home has an AC unit. This is a great way to keep your house cool and keep the house at a comfortable temperature for everyone. Many homeowners don't know enough about the AC system to keep it in good condition, and as a result they end up overspending on their utility bills, and/or needing to replace the system sooner than necessary. Here are some things you need to know about keeping your system in good shape.
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  • How To Repair A Leaking Air Conditioner

    If a leaking central air conditioner is not repaired promptly, it can lead to hundreds or thousands of dollars in water damage repairs. Fortunately, some leaks are caused by simple problems that the homeowner can remedy on their own without calling a technician. Here are a few tips to help you repair common causes of air conditioner leaks. Patch or Replace the Drain Pan In a standard split-system central air conditioner, the evaporator coils will be located above the furnace blower inside your home.
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